(i) What is the stamp duty on shares? Where do I get these stamps?
The stamp duty applicable on share transfer is @ 0.015% on the market value of the shares on the date of execution of the transfer deed. You can contact the nearest “General Stamp Office” or under online payment of stamp duty through https://.gras.mahakosh.gov.in for getting the Transfer deeds stamped.
However, please note that SEBI vide its press release dated December 03, 2018 has mandated that the transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only w.e.f. April 1, 2019.
(ii) Where should I send the shares for transfer / transmission? Can I hand it over at your Branch Office?
The process of registration of share transfer/ transmission is carried out only at our R&T Agent, alternatively, you may lodge the share transfer/ transmission documents at the Secretarial Department of the Company.
Their contact details are provided under “Investor Grievances” in the Investors Section on this website.
However, please note that SEBI vide its press release dated December 03,2018 has mandated that the transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only w.e.f. April 1, 2019.
(iii) How do I add another person as a joint-holder to my shareholding? What is the procedure that I should follow?
To add a joint-holder name to your shareholding, please execute a stamped transfer deed and submit the same to the Investor Service Counter for transfer. Please note that such additions amount to a change in ownership of shares and the transfer procedure explained above has to be followed.
(iv) What is the Procedure for splitting of a share certificate into share certificates representing small number of shares?
Shareholder may write to the Company enclosing the relevant share certificate for splitting into smaller lots. The share certificates, after splitting, will be sent by the Company to the shareholders at the shareholder’s address registered with it.
(v) How can I get the various share certificates consolidated into a single certificate?
Shareholders having share certificates in various denominations under the same folios are required to send all the certificates to the Company for consolidation into a single certificate. In case the shares are not held in more than one folio but all the folios are in the same order of names, you need to write to Company seeking consolidation of folios.
(vi) Would like to gift some shares to my children/relatives. How do I get them registered in their names? Does it involve stamp duty?
The procedure of registration of gift of shares is the same as the procedure for a normal transfer. Stamp duty is also applicable in case of gifted shares @ 0.25% of the market value prevailing on the date of execution of the transfer deed by the transferee. However please note that SEBI vide its press release dated December 03, 2018 has mandated that the transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only w.e.f. April 1, 2019.
(i) What are the benefits of availing depository services?
The following are the advantages of holding shares in dematerialization form:
- Elimination of risks associated with physical certificates such as bad delivery, fake securities, delays, thefts, etc.
- Immediate transfer of securities.
- No stamp duty on transfer of securities.
- Reduction in paperwork involved in transfer of securities.
- Reduction in transaction cost.
- No odd lot problem, even one share can be sold.
- Change in address recorded with Depository Participant gets registered with all companies in which investor holds securities electronically, eliminating the need to correspond with each of them separately.
SEBI vide its Press release dated Dec 03, 2018 has mandated that the transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only w.e.f. April 1, 2019.
Transmission of securities done by Depository Participant eliminates correspondence with companies
(ii) Are the Company’s shares required to be traded compulsorily in demat form? Do I have the option of holding them in physical form?
The shares of the Company are compulsorily required to be traded in demat form. However, you can continue to hold shares in physical form.
However please note that SEBI vide its press release dated December 03, 2018 has mandated that the transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only w.e.f. April 1, 2019.
In view of the above we request all the shareholders to dematerialize their securities to avoid transfer in physical mode.
(iii) How do I demat my shares?
In order to dematerialize physical securities, you need to fill a Demat Request Form (DRF) which is available with the Depository Participant and submit the same along with the physical certificates that you wish to dematerialize. DRF needs to be signed by all joint-holders. Separate DRF must be filled for each ISIN.
The complete process of dematerialization is outlined below:
- Surrender certificates for dematerialization to your Depository Participant along with duly filled DRF.
- Depository Participant intimates Depository of the dematerialization request through the system and forwards the certificates to the R & T Agent of the Company.
- After dematerializing certificates, R&T Agent updates accounts and confirms the demat request with the Depository.
- Depository updates its accounts and informs the Depository Participant.
- Depository Participant updates the account of the shareholder.
You can trace the demat credit from the statement of holdings sent to you by the Depository Participant from time to time.
(iv) Can I open multiple demat accounts?
You can have more than one demat account, with different Depository Participants.
(v) Do I have to keep any minimum balance of securities in my demat accounts?
No, there is no such requirement of keeping any minimum balance of securities in demat account.
(vi) What is required to be done if I have physical certificates with the same combination of names, but the sequence of names is different i.e. some certificates with ‘A’ as first holder and ‘B’ as second holder and other set of certificates with ‘B’ as first holder and ‘A’ as second holder?
You may open only one demat account with ‘A’ & ‘B’ as the account holders and lodge the share certificates with different order of names for dematerialization in the same account. You will need to fill-up an additional form called “Transposition cum Demat” form. This would enable you to effect change in the order of names as well as dematerialize the securities.
(vii) Can I freeze or lock my demat accounts?
Yes. You can freeze or lock your accounts for any given period of time. Accounts can be frozen for debits (preventing transfer of securities out of accounts) or for credit (preventing any movements into accounts) or for both.
(viii) Whom do I contact in case of any complaint/problem /query?
Our R & T Agent or our Secretarial Department can assist you in case of any difficulty in the dematerialization process.
Their contact details are provided under “Investor Grievances ” in the Investors Section on this website.
(ix) Can odd lot shares be dematerialized?
Yes, odd lot share certificates can also be dematerialized.
(x) Once my shares are dematerialized, can I ever get them converted into physical shares?
If you hold shares in the electronic form, you have the option of converting your holding to the physical form by submitting a Rematerialisation Request Form (RRF) through your DP.
The procedure is similar to that of Dematerialization. Upon receiving such a request from your DP, the Company will issue physical share certificates for the number of rematerialized shares.
However please note that SEBI vide its press release dated December 03, 2018 has mandated that the transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only w.e.f. April 1, 2019.
(xi) What are the charges to be paid to demat physical shares? Will it be paid by the Company or do I have to pay for it?
The charges for demat have to be borne by the shareholder. The charges differ from DP to DP and therefore you will have to contact your DP for details regarding the same.
(xii) I have purchased some shares in paper form. Can I directly give the share certificates to my Depository Participant for dematting them in my favour?
Shares should be registered in your favour before they can be dematerialized. Please follow the procedure explained above on transfer of shares.
(xiii) How do I get my dividends on dematerialized shares? Will I get the Annual Report after I demat my shares? Will I be able to attend the AGM?
On the Record date, the Depository Participants will provide a list of demat account holders indicating the number of shares held in electronic form (known as Benpos – Beneficiary Position). On the basis of Benpos, the Company will make dividend payments in favour of the demat account holders.
The rights of the shareholders holding shares in demat form are at par with holders of shares in physical form. Hence, you will be eligible to procure the Annual Report and can rightfully attend the AGM as a shareholder.
It is advisable to register your NECS mandate with your Depository Participant to enable us to credit all your dividends electronically.
On case of non-receipt of dividend, you may contact the Company or Registrar and Transfer Agent, quoting your account details
(xiv) What are the chances of any fraud/disputes in using a demat account? Whom should I approach in such cases?
Common risk factors applicable to trading in physical shares like mismatch in signatures, loss in postal transit, etc., are absent since dematerialized shares are traded scrip-less. However, in the unlikely event of any dispute, your Depository Participant would have to be approached for resolution of the same.
(xv) Can I pledge my shares in demat form to avail any funding/loan arrangement with my bankers?
(xvi) Why can’t the Company take request for change of details recorded in the demat account?
As per the Depository Regulations, the Company is obliged to take on record the details of demat shareholders furnished by the concerned Depository Participant. The Company cannot make any change in such records received from the Depository.
(xvii) Whom should I inform change in my address, bank account details etc. in respect of shares held in Demat form?
All request/ communication regarding change in address, bank account details, NECS/ECS mandate, registration of nomination etc. should be addressed to your DP directly.
(xviii) Can I do Demat cum deletion of name?
Yes, you can. Kindly contact your DP for more information.
(i) What is nomination and what are its advantages?
This facility is mainly useful for individuals holding shares in sole name. In the case of joint holding of shares by individuals, nomination will be effective only in the event of death of all joint holders. Nomination refers to the act of nominating a person in whom the shares would vest in the event of unfortunate death of the nominator (shareholder).
Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law or any testamentary deposition or otherwise, in respect of the shares, where a nomination has been made in accordance with the provisions of Companies Act, 2013 or any modifications thereof, on the death of the shareholder, (or in case of joint holdings, on the death of all the joint holders), the Nominee shall become entitled to the rights in relation to such shares held by the deceased shareholder(s), to the exclusion of all other persons unless the nomination is revoked.
(ii) How do I make a nomination with regard to my shareholding?
To make a nomination, please submit a duly filled-in and signed nomination form (Form SH-13) in duplicate. If you hold shares along with other holders, then all holders are required to sign the nomination form.
Nomination in respect of shares held in physical form can be sent to the Company. After the Company receives the form and finds it in order, a registration number will be allotted to the nomination. A duplicate copy of the nomination form submitted by you will then be returned to you with an endorsement indicating the registration number and date.
In case of dematerialized shares, your nomination has to be recorded with your Depository Participant.
Option for multiple nominations for each folio is also available.
(iii) Do I have to send my share certificates along with the nomination form?
It is not necessary to send your share certificate at the time of registration of nomination.
(iv) My shares are held in joint names. Are the joint holder’s nominees to the shares?
Joint holders are not nominees. They are joint holders of the relevant shares. In the event of death of any one of the joint holders, the surviving joint holder/s of the shares is/are the only person/persons recognized by the Company as the holders of the shares.
(v) Can a nomination once made be changed?
A nomination once made can be revoked by submitting a fresh nomination. If the nomination is made by joint holders, and one of the joint-holders dies, the surviving joint holder/s can make a fresh nomination by revoking the existing nomination.
(vi) What is the legal position of the nominee in case of death of the shareholders?
In case of shares held by sole holder, upon the death of the shareholder, the nominee, to the exclusion of any other legal heir/beneficiary, is the only person in whom the shares vest. In other words, in case of a valid nomination, the Company will not entertain any claim from legal heirs or beneficiaries and the shares will be transmitted only in favour of the Nominee.
In case the nomination is made by joint-holders, it will come into play only upon the death of all the joint holders. Therefore, if one of the joint shareholders dies, the shares will devolve on the surviving shareholders to the exclusion of the nominee. In this case, the surviving shareholders may make a fresh nomination if they so desire.
(vii) What is the procedure for the nominee to get the shares in his name?
Upon the death of a shareholder, the nominee is entitled to have the shares transmitted in his favour. He/she is required to submit a notice in writing to this effect along with the original share certificate and an attested copy of the death certificate of the deceased shareholders.
If a nominee opts for registration of shares in his/her name, he/she has to submit a Transmission Form along with a copy of the PAN card and proof of address, e.g. copy of passport, driving license, voter’s identity card or such other proof, to the satisfaction of the Company.
Upon scrutiny of the documents submitted by the nominee, shares will be transmitted in his/her favour and share certificates will be returned to him/her duly endorsed.
(viii) I have shares in demat form. Can I send the nomination form to the Company for making a nomination with respect to my shareholding?
For making a nomination with respect to dematerialized shares, you will have to approach your DP.
(ix) How does the Company establish the identity of the nominee in case of death of the shareholder?
The prescribed Form SH-13 only provides for the name and address of the nominee. Section 24 provides that the Board may require the nominee to provide and produce such evidence to prove his identity as thought necessary in the opinion of the Board.
Without prejudice to the above, the shareholder may also provide the specimen signature of the nominee along with Form SH-13.
The Company generally requires the following documents to be produced after the death of the original shareholder
Photocopy of death certificate of shareholder attested by a Bank Manager. PAN Card of Nominee. Proof of date of birth of the nominee. The original share certificates. Self-attested copy of Ration Card / Passport / Latest Electricity or Telephone Bill / Bank Statement of nominee.
(x) Can a holder of partly paid shares make nomination?
Nominations can be made on partly paid up shares. However, if at the time of demise of the shareholder there are any calls in arrears, then the nominee would be subjected to the same rights and liabilities as the original shareholder and the Board will have discretion to register the shares in favour of the nominee.
(xi) Can nomination be made in favour of a minor?
Yes. Nomination can be made in favour of a minor. In that event, the name and address of the guardian shall be given by the holder to whom the shares shall vest in the event of death of the shareholder during minority of nominee.
(xii) Does further acquisition of shares under a given Folio get covered by the nomination?
A shareholder is required to fill in the distinctive numbers of shares in Form SH-13 and the shares covered by these distinctive numbers shall be transmitted to the nominee in the event of death of the shareholder. For any further acquisition of shares of the Company, the shareholders will have to extend the nomination to the additional shares by filling in the necessary Form SH-13, as the existing nomination does not automatically cover the additional shares. To ensure that the nomination is valid, the shareholders need to make specific mention of all distinctive numbers.
(xiii) Can a nominee transfer the shares after the death of the shareholder?
A nominee is entitled to transfer the inherited shares in the same manner as the deceased shareholder could have made, without having to transmit the shares in his name.
(xiv) Can the nominee exercise voting rights before being registered as a member?
A nominee is not entitled to exercise any voting rights before being registered as a member.
(xv) Is it necessary for demat shareholders to nominate the same person whom they have appointed as their nominee for their physical shareholdings?
The nomination made by shareholders in respect of electronic holdings is distinct from their nomination for the physical holdings.
(xvi) Can a nomination once made be revoked / varied?
It is possible to revoke / vary a nomination once made by submitting a duly executed for SH – 14 with the Company. If nomination is made by joint holders, and one of the joint holders dies, the remaining joint holder(s) can make a fresh nomination by revoking the existing nomination.
(xvii) Is nomination form required to be witnessed?
A nomination form must be witnessed.
(xviii) Can a Non Resident (NRI) nominate?
Yes, a NRI can nominate. But a Power of Attorney holder cannot nominate on behalf of NRI.
(xix) Can a NRI be nominated?
NRI can be a nominee on repatriable or non repatriable basis subject to RBI’s permission as applicable.
(i) I have already produced the attested/registered will. Since getting it probated would take a long time and money, can I avoid that procedure?
In order to ascertain that the will in Query is the last will and testament made by the deceased, it is important that the same is authenticated/probated by the Court. This is to protect the interest of investors at large and to obviate any future claims/disputes on the same.
(ii) In case of joint holdings, in the event of death of one shareholder, how do the surviving shareholders get the shares in their names?
The surviving shareholders are required to submit a request letter supported by a self-attested copy of pan card of all surviving holders, an attested copy of the Death Certificate of the deceased shareholder and the relevant share certificates. It is advisable if the documents are accompanied by a duly executed Transmission Form.
The Company, on receipt of the said documents, will delete the name of deceased shareholder from its records and return the share certificates to the applicant/registered holder with the necessary endorsement.
(iii) If a shareholder who held shares in his sole name dies without leaving a will, how can his legal heir/s (either husband/wife/son/daughter, etc.) get the shares transmitted in their names?
The legal heirs are required to submit the share certificates along with the attested copy of the Succession Certificate or Probate of Will or Letter of Administration obtained in respect of the sole holding.
The transmission form duly completed (which is available on our website)and signed by the legal heir(s)/ executors whose signature(s) should be verified by his/their bank manager under his official seal stating his full name, designation with name and address of the bank. Attestation on the legal document should be done by a Notary Public under his official seal stating full name, address and registration no.
In case you do not have any such form of Legal Representation, please write to Link Intime India Pvt Ltd, our Registrar and Transfer Agent for further advice.
In case value of transactions is less than Rs. 2 lakh, the request for transmission of shares will be processed based on Indemnity, Affidavit and Certificate from Legal Heir. In case the value of transaction is more than Rs. 2 lakh than documents like Succession Certificate, Probate of Will etc. is essential.
For securities held in electronic form, please contact your depository participant.
However please note that SEBI vide its press release dated December 03,2018 has mandated that the transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only w.e.f. April 1, 2019.
(iv) If the deceased family member who held shares in his/her own name (single) leaves a Will, how do the legal heir/s get the shares transmitted in their names?
The legal heirs are required to get the Will probated by the High Court/District Court of competent jurisdiction and then send us a probated copy of the Will. This should be accompanied by a relevant schedule/annexure setting out the details of the shares, the relevant share certificates in original, the transmission form for transmission, self-attested pan card and address proofs of all the claimants.
(v) A and B had shares in IIFL Wealth Management Limited. Both of them died. How do I get the shares transmitted in my name?
To get the shares transmitted in your name, kindly obtain a Succession Certificate/Letter of Administration of the last deceased joint holder in your favour and follow the procedure for transmission of shares.
(vi) The name of a joint holder was included only for convenience by the first holder. I am the only heir. Could you transfer the shares in my name as per the will/probate?
As per law, the joint holder is deemed to be having indivisible ownership of the joint property and the Company cannot ascertain as to how or why the name was included. As per the Articles of Association of the Company, the surviving joint holders are the only persons recognized as having title to the shares.
(vii) Does transmission of shares to nominees attract payment of share transfer duty?
On death of the shareholder, the nominee has to elect either to register himself as a shareholder or to transfer the shares. If he elects to register himself as a shareholder, he has to intimate his decision in writing to the Company. This will be considered as transmission by operation of Law and, therefore, will not attract stamp duty.
If a shareholder elects to transfer the shares, he has to send a notice in writing to the Company. Since this amount to transfer of shares like any other transfer, the same would attract stamp duty.
(viii) Whether the heirs of the nominee are entitled to the shares if the nominee dies before the nominator?
If the nominee dies before the shareholder, the Company will transmit the shares in the name of the heirs or legal representatives or holders of the Succession Certificate/Letter of Administration of the shareholder. The heirs of the nominee are not entitled to the shares, if the nominee has predeceased the shareholder.
(i) If there is a change in my address, what is the procedure to get it recorded with the Company?
Kindly send a request letter quoting the folio number signed by all the shareholders (in case of joint shareholders) providing the new address along with the pin code. The request letter should be accompanied by a copy of pan card of all the holders and a valid proof of address such as Aadhar Card/ Ration card/Passport/Latest Electricity or Telephone Bill / Bank Statement/Voter’s Identity card.
(ii) Can there be multiple addresses for a single folio?
No. There can be only one registered address for one folio.
(iii) If the shares are dematerialized, what is the procedure for change of address?
Since your Depository Participant maintains the records of your dematerialized shares, you have to approach your DP to effect any change in your address.
(iv) Do joint-holders need to sign the request for a change of address?
Yes. Since, the change of address request will result in change of master records of the shareholders, it is mandatory that the request be signed by all shareholders.
(v) I have intimated my change of address but how do I confirm that the same has been affected?
Our R & T Agent sends a letter confirming change of address within 15 days of the receipt of your request letter. In case you do not receive the same, please feel free to contact our R & T Agent for verifying the status.
(i) What is the procedure for obtaining a duplicate dividend warrant?
No duplicate can be issued during the validity of the original warrant. Hence, if the validity period of the lost dividend warrant has not yet expired, you will have to wait till the expiry date. However, once the validity period has expired, if the dividend warrant is still shown as unpaid in our Bank Statement, we shall issue a duplicate warrant expeditiously.
(ii) Why do shareholders have to wait till the expiry of the validity period of the original warrant? Is it possible for you to issue stop payment instructions to the bank for the original warrant and issue a duplicate immediately?
Since the dividend warrants are payable at par at all branches of the dividend banker across the country, it is not practically possible for banks to issue stop payment instructions. Hence, it becomes necessary for us to wait till the expiry of the validity of original warrant.
(iii) Is the NECS facility available across the country?
Yes, NECS facility is available across the country.
(iv) I have not received my dividend. What action do I take?
You may send a letter or an email to our R&T Agent furnishing the particulars of the dividend not received, quoting your folio number or Depository Participant ID & Client ID (in case of demat shares). Our R&T Agent will check their records and request the dividend paying banker for a Demand Draft if the dividend shows unpaid in the records of the Company. You will need to submit the requisite Indemnity to enable the R&T Agent to issue the Demand Draft.
(v) Can I claim dividends relating to past years that have not been received by me?
As per the Section 125 of the Companies Act 2013, the Company is required to maintain all unpaid/unclaimed dividends for the past seven years. If you have not received any of these dividends, you may send a letter to our R&T Agent with relevant particulars like folio number, concerned dividend, etc., and we shall arrange to pay the dividend if it remains unpaid in our records.
In case the dividend pertains to periods earlier than 7 years, these cannot be claimed as they would have been already transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF).
The Company is committed to assist shareholders in this regard.
(vi) Can I authorize my bank or any other person to receive dividends on my behalf?
Yes. You will need to give a mandate letter to our R&T Agent, furnishing the name and address of the authorized person/bank and your folio number. We shall record your instructions and dispatch the warrant directly to the bank.
(vii) I want bank details on my dividend warrant. Is this possible?
Yes. You will need to give a request letter to our R&T Agent, furnishing the name & address of the authorized person/bank and your folio number. We shall record your instructions accordingly and dispatch the warrant with the bank details printed thereon.
(viii) Why can’t the Company take on record the bank details in case of demat shares?
As per the Depository Regulations, in case of demat shareholders, the Company is obliged to pay dividend as per the details furnished by the concerned Depository Participant. The Company cannot make any change in such records received from the Depository.
(ix) What is National Electronic Clearing Service (NECS)?
Under this system, you can receive your dividend electronically by way of direct credit to your bank account. This avoids hassles like loss/fraudulent interception of dividend warrants during postal transit. This also expedites dividend payment as it results in direct credit to the shareholders account. If you have not already opted for National Electronic Clearing Service, you may please do so.
(x) How can I avail of the National Electronic Clearing Service facility?
If you are holding shares in physical form, you are required to submit the NECS form, duly completed along with a photocopy of cheque leaf and we shall take due note of the same in our records. All subsequent dividends will be paid to you through direct credit to your bank account.
(xi) How can I revalidate a dividend warrant?
Please return the outdated (stale) dividend warrant to the Company for revalidation or issuance of fresh cheque, as the case may be.
(xii) What happens to a dividend if not claimed within 7 years?
Dividends not claimed, within seven years from the date of its transfer to the unpaid dividend account, will be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) established by the Government.
(xiii) When is the unclaimed/ unpaid amount transferred to the IEPF Fund?
Pursuant to section 124(5) of Act, 2013, a company shall transfer any amount lying in the Unpaid Dividend Account for 7 years along with interest accrued, if any, thereon to the Fund.
(xiv) What is the purpose of Form IEPF-5?
Any person whose shares, unclaimed dividend, matured deposits, matured debentures, application money due for refund or interest thereon, sale proceeds of fractional shares, redemption proceeds of preference shares etc. has been transferred to the IEPF Fund, may claim the shares under provision to sub-section (6) of Section 124 or apply for refund, under Clause (a) of sub-section (3) of Section 125 or under proviso to sub-section (3) of Section 125, as the case may be, to the Authority by making an application in Form IEPF-5 available online on IEPF website (www.iepf.gov.in) along with fee, as decided by the Authority from time to time in consultation with the Central Government, under his own signature.
(xv) What will be the course of action where the Company declares dividend on the shares which have already been transferred to the fund?
If the Company declares any further dividend on the shares which have already been transferred to the Fund, the amount received on such shares shall also be transferred to the Fund.
(i) I have lost/misplaced my physical share certificates, what are the steps that I should take to obtain duplicate share certificates?
Immediately on being aware of the loss /misplacement of your share certificate(s), kindly follow the procedure mentioned below:
- Lodge a First Information Report (FIR) with your local police station.
- Submit your application in writing to the Company, duly signed by all the shareholders, quoting your folio number, details of share certificate(s) lost, along with original/certified copy of the FIR.
- The Company on verification, will mark 'Stop Transfer' against the share certificate(s) reported as lost/misplaced by you for a period of 15 days and will provide you the detailed procedure for issue of duplicate share certificate(s), including the draft of the affidavit and indemnity to be executed by you.
- On receipt of all the aforesaid documents, the Company will publish a public notice in two newspapers (English & Marathi) giving the details of the share certificate(s) reported as lost / misplaced by shareholder(s), seeking objections if any, to the issuance of duplicate share certificate(s).
- In case no objection is received within 7 days from the date of the said notice, the Company will proceed to issue you the duplicate share certificate(s).
(ii) What action should I take if I retrieve the original share certificate, which I had reported to the Company to be lost?
Please surrender the original share certificate to the Company immediately if duplicate share certificates have been issued. However, if the original share certificates are found before you comply with the procedure for obtaining duplicate share certificates, kindly inform the Company immediately so that we can remove the caution from your folio.
(iii) is the procedure for replacement of share certificate(s) in lieu of torn, defaced or mutilated share certificate(s)?
Please submit your application in writing to the Company, duly signed by all the shareholders, requesting for replacement of share certificate(s), enclosing therein the torn, defaced or mutilated share certificate(s).
(i) What is Green Initiative? Why should I register for the same?
In order to save trees and environment by cutting down the consumption of costly paper habits, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has taken a “Green Initiative in the Corporate Governance” by allowing paperless compliances by the companies under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Indian Corporate regulators have recognized the electronic mode to comply various provision of Companies act, 2013.
To support the ‘Green Initiative’ Members who have not registered their e-mail addresses are requested to register their email ids with M/s Link Intime India Pvt Ltd for receiving the Annual Report and other communications through electronic mode pursuant to Section 101 and Section 136 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with relevant Companies (Management and Administration Rules), 2014, as amended. However, investors can request Company or its R & T Agent to provide the physical copy of Annual Report and other communications.
(ii) How do I register for E-Communication?
To register for E-communication, you need to have an email id. You may either write to Link Intime India Pvt Ltd or to the Investor Service Department by filling up the E-Communication Registration Form.
(i) I wish to split/consolidate my share certificates into marketable lots. What is the procedure that I should follow?
Please forward your share certificates along with a request letter signed by all the registered shareholder/s and we shall split/consolidate the share certificates accordingly.
(ii) I hold more than one folio in the same name. Can I consolidate these folios?
Yes. Please forward the share certificate relating to those folios which you wish to merge along with a request letter duly signed by all the registered holders and we shall consolidate your folios and return the share certificates by endorsing the consolidated folio number.
You may please note that the folios to be consolidated should be in the identical name and/or in the same order of identical names (in case of joint-holding) and bear the same address.
(iii) I want to authorize another person to deal with my shares. Do I have to report this to the Company?
Yes. You will have to execute a Power of Attorney in favour of the concerned person and submit a notarized copy of the same to the Investor Service Department for registration. After scrutiny of the documents, we shall register the Power of Attorney and provide you with the registration number of the same.
(iv) We hold shares in joint names and would like to change the order of names.
Please forward your share certificates along with a request letter duly signed by all the joint-holders as per the specimen signatures recorded with the Company.
(v) Why do I register my Permanent Account Number (PAN)?
Registration of PAN details will safeguard the interests of the investors. PAN is a unique checkpoint to ascertain the genuineness of the request of the shareholders.